Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Footprints in the Sand... or the Scorching Pavement...

I often wonder if Jesus was here on earth today in the flesh, what would he spend his days doing?  My guess is, similar things as he did when he was last walking this earth.  He would be putting love, grace and mercy into action, while worshiping and loving his Father in heaven.  So would it be accurate to say, if we are followers of Jesus, then we would be doing the same?  Feeding the hungry?  Healing the sick?  Forgiving the sinner?  Clothing the naked? Housing the homeless? 

I mean, if Jesus’ footprints lead to the Open Door Free Store to drop off some of his own belongings (the best stuff, not the used- up- can’t- use- anymore- anyway stuff…) or to help wash, fold, or serve those who shop there, wouldn’t we be right there too?  And if his footsteps led to the basement of Concord United Methodist Church or to the cafeteria school to fill trays, cook pizza, or clean off the tables after the kids ate their free lunch this summer, wouldn’t it be fair to say you would also find an entire crowd of Jesus followers right there serving, feeding, and cleaning up, as well? 

I ask these questions facetiously because sometimes I think we need reminding of why we do what we do.  We had a crazy hard weekend working out at our farm getting some work done that is required by our loan originator in order to close on the deal: roof replaced, lead paint scraped and covered, etc.  And tons of friends and family came out to help (followed those footprints, I suspect… ) scrub, paint, and tear off old roofing.  All of this was done in 90 degree plus weather… every day.  Well, you all know what’s it’s been like lately in the ridiculously hot summer.  So by early this week, when our church and it’s Concord Service Project kicked into high gear to begin this summer’s outreach work on homes of those needing a little help from a friend, it was really easy to just sigh deep and think… “Ha! Your’e kidding me, right?!”  But there was no kidding involved.  This is serious stuff, following those ever- walking, ever- moving, ever- loving feet of Jesus in the world.  His get tired like the rest of us, and they do take a break to soak and rest.  But they don’t get lazy and they certainly don’t take time to be selfish.  Before you know it, those feet are leaving prints once again… right then left, right then left.  You can see that image across the sand, can’t you?  You know the one.  Where we think Jesus has abandoned us and we assume the prints are our own.  Then Jesus gently reminds us those prints are his… as he carries us in his arms? 

Now remember, we’re following those very steps.  So there are times we need to carry others when they can’t stand.  There are times we need to re-roof a neighbor’s home, even if we just re-roofed a friend’s or our very own the day before.  There are times we need to scrape and paint and repair and sometimes even install a handicap ramp for a neighbor who can’t get in and out of their own home with any ease.  The good news?  We can sleep rest assured that Jesus is not working alone… and honestly, we can SLEEP!  Well.  Exhaustion does that sometimes. 

So if you haven’t looked down lately to find where those footprints are going next, give us a call at the Open Door Free Store, or at Concord United Methodist Church, or even at the Presbyterian Church, the Catholic Church, Baptist or Bible Church… they’ve all been following those prints one step at a time.  We’d love to have you come along.  It makes the work load lighter when we share it with the entire community. One roof, one bag of clothes, one comforting hand to a senior whose health is failing… we’ll keep doing our best to follow the footsteps of the One who always shows up to love.  Exhausted or not. 

1 comment:

  1. Part of my job as a caregiver is being someone else's *footprints.* It's a ministry to which I have been called and I do it with joy in my heart, despite bunions on my feet.
    Thank you for sharing yourself with all our brethren.
