Monday, March 26, 2012

Darn Monkeys!

We are deep into the season of Lent and I can see palm leaves waving off in the distance. Yet, there are still things to learn, self-reflection to be done, prayers of repentance to be said. As our study on the Seven Deadly Sins continues, we slow down and take a few things in… literally. Sloth and Gluttony are the sins of the week and they can jump on our backs and weigh us down like a monkey looking for a permanent perch.

Sloth is known to some as a lazy animal who hangs from a tree limb and is quick to do… well, nothing. The sin of sloth resembles his character, with one important difference. A sloth is slow because he’s born that way. The sin of sloth slows us down because we allow it to. When we invite sloth into our lives, we not only do less, but we care less. What’s on God’s heart we ignore and what’s going on around us we turn a blind eye to. There are neighbors next door that haven’t had a decent meal in months, yet we continue to throw away leftovers. There are families who can’t afford to furnish their home or cloth their children each time they grow out of yet another size, yet we have cupboards and drawers over spilling with doubles and triples of this that and the other, as well as closets and drawers so over stuffed it’s hard to decide what to wear each day. And God simply asks, “Can’t you share some of that with those around you in need? Why do you think I’ve blessed you with so much?”

Jesus quickly reminds us: “Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25.34-36)

Then there’s that gluttony animal. Oh, the woes this sin brings into our lives! Not to mention the lives of our children. America is more overweight, obese, and out of shape than any other time in history… and that includes our kids and grandkids. Trust me, it’s not about vanity. It’s about life or death. At the rate we’re going, we could be the first generation ever who lives longer than our children. It’s that serious. Gluttony is about overconsumption, an appetite for destruction, and that doesn’t have to be just food. Some are gluttons with alcohol. Others inhale an incredible amount of cigarettes. Others overindulge in shopping, computer use, gambling, or even sex. Gluttony isn’t about food. Gluttony is about finding a new god and living for it. When we begin to live to eat rather than eat to live, you can bet gluttony has filled our bellies. When we begin paying more attention to our i-phone screen, than the face of our spouse, then gluttony has invaded our heart. And when we begin thinking about, diverting our money to, and relishing our time to anything that out-consumes the thoughts, money, or time we are giving to our Lord and Creator, well then… you can bet your gluttonous-bippy that you are dancing with the devil in a dangerous duet called gluttony.

Jesus clearly answered each time he was asked what was most important in life: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Matthew 22.37-38)

If you’ve tried before to get that monkey off your back with no avail, call on the One who has authority over heaven and earth… and then get ready. We’ll be heading into Jerusalem soon. Pick up those palms and prepare to celebrate!!

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